Tell The Others

26. My Teen's 3am Phone Obsession

• Heidi Rogers

If you're battling your teenager over late-night phone sessions, you're not alone!

In this episode, Heidi shares why phone and tech boundaries are especially tricky for strong-willed and neurodivergent kids (you know - the SPICY children who don't respond to 'traditional' parenting techniques 🤣).

Learn how to identify what's really driving their behavior and unpack strategies for compromise that work for everyone.

Here's the question Heidi received for Q&A from a mom in the Prism Perspective community:

"My 13-year-old SPICY child thinks she should be able to determine her bedtime, which would be anywhere up to 3am if I let her on school nights.

"When do we enforce a ‘phones off’ policy with a SPICY child?"


Strong-willed child at home? Discover just how S.P.I.C.Y. they are with this quick, 5-minute quiz 👉 **

At the end, you'll receive a free, in-depth report containing a bunch of insights and helpful strategies to meet their unique needs!


If you find this episode helpful, please don't forget to rate and subscribe.

It helps grow the channel and reach more people who need the unique tools for navigating parenthood with a strong-willed or neurodivergent child 🙂


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